Should my business be on Instragram?
Should my business be on Instragram?
Businesses new to social media tend to jump on any popular platform. This isn't necessarily an efficient use of time and money. Before jumping on the Instagram bandwagon, here are some things to consider:
Is your target audience on Instagram? The two demographics you want to consider are age and gender. If you’re not sure who your audience is, a professional marketing consultant can help you determine your target audience (this is an incredibly important piece of your marketing strategy, way beyond social media as well).
Once you know who your audience is, see if your demographic is using Instagram.
Nearly 90% of the 150 million Instagram users are under age 35. Instagram is ideal for reaching younger age groups (16–29). If your business is associated with a younger crowd, like high school & college students, recent graduates, or young parents, Instagram is an ideal place to focus.
If your target audience is older, you may want to focus on Pinterest or Facebook instead. Pinterest is especially great if your ideal consumers are mostly women. Of course, you can also do both; just remember, time is money. Invest your time on the platforms that yield the best results.
If you need help determining your target audience or expanding your social media reach, contact us at 765.465.7103.